Become a PSI-PCI Trained Visual Cylinder Inspector
Since 1983, focusing on our core business, PSI-PCI, Inc. offers the most trusted, comprehensive, recognized and standards meeting technical training in the world today for inspectors of SCUBA, SCBA and certain other high-pressure cylinders.
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Read more: Become a PSI-PCI Trained Visual Cylinder Inspector
Class Roster Tool Tutorial
The new Class Roster Tool has launched! It is different in appearance but works essentially the same with two major new perks:
1. You will need to perform search prior to adding students to a roster. This will help with cleaning up the database and keeping student records together.
2. You will be able to search a student even if you did not teach them originally.
We have put together a tutorial slide presentation we encourage you to review to get an idea of the new features, icons, actions. etc. As always please contact us if you have questions or need to report any bugs.
New Class Roster Tool Tutorial
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Do You Need to Renew?
Attention PSI-PCI Inspectors. Do you need to renew your PSI-PCI training?
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