New! PSI-PCI Cylinder Evaluation Tool - Now Online!
If you are a trained PSI-PCI inspector you are very familiar with the PSI-PCI Visual Cylinder Evaluation form. It guides you specifically through the PSI-PCI 18 Step Protocol for visually inspecting your cylinders so you can inspect the cylinder to the prescribed standards.
Now, exclusively for PSI-PCI trained inspectors, we offer the Visual Cylinder Evaluation tool in an online format. Your login will be your last name and PSI-PCI Inspector number to validate current training.
As you move through the screens you will find very familiar sections and filling them in should be pretty intuitive. You can return to the existing inspection and make changes until completed. Once certified at the end, the inspection record will not be editable nor removable and will stay in the system for the discovery period of seven years before being removed. You will be able to refer back to the logged inspection, print a copy out to sign for your customer's reference or your hardcopy to file if you wish. You can even start a new inspection on an existing cylinder in the database with customer information pre-filled or start a new cylinder inspection for an existing customer. Handy for shops that wish to record their cylinder inspections and not have to retype the shop information each time.
Search easily by the cylinder's serial number to determine if the cylinder has already been inspected, or look up your customer by last name to identify cylinders you have inspected for them already.
Just click the link under the Inspector's Pages in the left navigation bar of the home page of the PSI-PCI website "Cylinder Evaluation Tool" to get started.
Please feel free to contact PSI-PCI if you have questions. Happy Inspecting!